Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,
Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
"And we’re now sweating rainbows."
The Whole food diet is a dream-life. Essentially; if you have to be convinced to eat it with packaging designs and charming advertisements, then its probably something you didnt need to have. The good stuff knows its good and sits on the shelf or in baskets waiting for you to come to your senses,
good luck in the voting minefield that is shopping.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Metamodernism; the new modern postmodern
Sounds cool. What does it mean?
An excerpt from trusty wikipedia states;
Van den Akker and Vermeulen define metamodernism as a continuous oscillation, a constant repositioning between positions and mindsets that are evocative of the modern and of the postmodern but are ultimately suggestive of another sensibility that is neither of them: one that negotiates between a yearning for universal truths on the one hand and an (a)political relativism on the other, between hope and doubt, sincerity and irony, knowingness and naivety, construction and deconstruction. They suggest that the metamodern attitude longs for another future, another metanarrative, whilst acknowledging that future or narrative might not exist, or materialize, or, if it does materialize, is inherently problematic.
Hrmm... so its bouncing between, sometimes looking for truth, or political influence, through various means of style... sounds like a name acknowledging everything at once as being 'not-common' as its common factor. looks about right if your trying to comment on all at once. The tricky thing is, I think the internet has thrown up such an availability of art, that to discern what is good and bad is terribly chore-like as you sift through the abundance of options. to write about what is a valuable contribution, or about the current art is like shooting fish in a barrel with an arrow from a bridge. its tricky. what comes after postmodernism? As a student, id like to know to be the next clever bunny of the class, but honestly, I dont think it can be found until more distance has passed. If i look at my contemporaries- the arts that seem to be changing peoples lives and that are recieved with the most intigue are the ones that are so casual they question the values and materials art has associated itself with for hundreds of years. To appreciate a creation and learn about life and its value from it- is in itself valuable; and sometimes it takes something worthless to do it.
ok ramble over-
Check out this boss;
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Crit day aftermath, courtesy of my anxious brain
Today was the last crit I will have formally - to my knowledge so far of plans in academic circles. A crit, aka critique, is a peer discussion revolving around the developing artist, we take turn and verbalize the works experience and implications and culture and the gap between intention and reading of the work.
The visual language is a tricky thing to decipher- and essentially they depend upon thw individuals prior knowledge- so there is a distance that the feedback is valuable. But essentially if everyone agrees there is success in the air...
So what was mine like?
It was as I expected.
I asked my peers to tell me what they see- they suggested objects or artists the colours remind them of, but the overall silence meant I had left them grappling for straws. I quickly told them I am painting with ceramic and they returned qith a challenge to say well iyr not really in either field, and I agree
they ask where do you think you sit in the field od disciplines then? And I said it depends on who im talking to. That Really I am experimenting and because it is such a poor, pretty experiment its can only be an art.... the conversion rolls closer to 'drawing with gravity' and the fact I control the view when I hang and present work on the wall. Id do. I want people to enjoy the details of making glazes, I want to enjoy the images they make, close up an far away, the supports are structural and pictorial, I want them to serve two purposes . I hang them in a way to expose their vulnerability, and its relative to each piece.
One valuable interpretation of my work is that the piece is a mind map, a 3d creation of thoughts joined together by common ceramic qualities.
But as we talked about it further I understood that its not ceramics or painting or drawing I am interested in, they are methods akin to life and the situationist method of solving is the focus- ceramics is concentrated extreme permanent physics of life and, may it break or not look good, I sympathize and create a hanging environment to make it beautiful again.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
My Red Orange Fiestaware
THis isnt mine, but this 1930's type of tableware (glazed with uranium oxide for the red orange colour) is still a radioactive product that if seen in a flea market should be avoided. Collect if you dare.
The connotations of orange in ceramics I can apply to my own work- the dangerous quality of the materials are alarming in the natural and cultural world.
Perhaps I will exaggerate this by using glowing glazes so to really emphasize the natural/unnatural ability of the materials....
It is to think about.... :3
Painting depth with Gravity. AKA Drool and Drink painting

On Truth & Reality: Philosophy Physics Metaphysics of Space, Wave Structure of Matter. Famous Science Art Quotes.
Conteomporary theories that build upon David Bohms postmodern theories of Wholeness. I'm not sure where is stand in regards to these theories, that in itself represents my lack of knowledge of the area, but if you are brave enough to offer insight or opinion upon the above site and its new version of reality understanding, I am intrigued. I postulate that Wholeness will become mainstream understanding of space, time and existence, but who can comment on its correctness!?
Perhaps, if new to the realm of know it all science; watch the video below before reading the above site;
Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy: From Fragmentation To Wholeness
Saturday, 10 August 2013
I found the culture of pink quite interesting: QI XL G07 - Girls and Boys
Pink Eh?
... How odd. It still bothers me that pink is regarded as a non existent colour because it doesnt have a place in the white light spectrum. Culture has created it as an identifiable and symbolic individual colour. Culture, more than science and what can be reduced from light, forms our definitions of reality. Colour Theory Science is interesting to say the least- but Pink exists.
How to prove it scientifically will be an interesting quest I hope to embark upon when I am able.
Rachael's Ambition
Monday, 5 August 2013
Art scene /music scene combines to glory!
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Gravity spews!
Here in these latest works- I have fired these large paintings vertically and designed high flux glazes to increase momentum of drool. As the top glaze melts, it mixes and reacts with lower placed glazes which otherwise would have been stable, gently resisting but inevitably falling with the new materials in reaction.
I plan for these paintings to lean against a wall on a shelf or to be hung with an obnoxious rope method. ... but it will take weeks of evaluation to finally decide on my hang ups ;)
close ups comming soon!
Paint play
Its crazy what you discover when you doubt your ability. ..
My doubt in my representation skills lets me express the erratic.
Here is todays colour play-
But now its finished I will question it and its nature:
Why rectangular? Unthinking.
Why these colours and not mix particular? It doesn't matter the colour, it matters the enegery of their content/contrsat next to others.
Why is brighter towards the centre? Focusing intensity at a point , but yellow is a plane and a rest from the pattern, becoming a focus in itself. Focus framed by focusing framed by less intense of the same.
Why on clear cellophane? So the gaps are able to reveal the false consruct of this piece.
Why not many holes, if that is the purpose? Because I don't want to know there are holes- they are like an accident. A loophole.
Why do you relate everything absractly to life and its structures? Because its my existence- to mediate and meditat upon is all I am left with.
Is it finished? No, not until it has finished mixing its surface and dried and it has been suspended in a frame will it be fair for the whole to be seen.
You mentioned earlier this was unthinking when you were making? Yes I am trying to avoid thought paralysis.
Will you flip it over an evaluate the other clear side when it is dry ? Yes but if it is more interesting than this side, it can only stregnthen the meaning of social life construction.
What do you mean social life construction?
I am trying to relate paint as a mark, an existence. Like a persons life, its mark/ impact interacts with the other marks to make a society/network. The network exists but its purpose is its essence- to be colour (paint) and people exist to be love. I find the two very similar- but wording difficult. I'll get back to you.
You want to avoid thought paralysis?