and Hercule Poirot says "what is time, in the face of death?"
Agatha Christie references aside, the question got me thinking.
What is it about time that changes it per circumstance?
I wonder if time is like sound, if you listen of if it is loud, you think about it and engage in considering time. of you letyhe idea fall to the background, you forget its there at all and everything is simultaneous and immediately in the past.
I wonder if time is a ripple. like sound waves. From awareness to awareness, I am having a good time, now you are, now we forget how long we have been here.
The clock is the confusing part- if we used the sun, some sunsets would take a long time and others might seem quick...
The clock is like a beat, it just continues.
I wonder then if I should really have reversed this thinking about time and relate it first to music then to time. they are so closely linked it seems obvious now. music is time. Not so much 'time is music'.
" the face of Death"
That's a bit that threw me, mortality concerns makes you worry about value for time. About making the most of it, about the finite of our span.
Maybe all we can do is think about it an hope that can inform our choices to make the best.
What an odd morning to have.