So pricing work has become a reality check - a time to look at the bear bones of art and find its barest production value and add a bit. The materials, for a student, are not probably going to be covered in the cost of the item. There sems to be a conception that student art is to be below $700 unless it is exceptionally large or laboured. What I find odd is the ideas at student level are virtually not property- yet.
As a student it is implied that the work will continue to develop throughout career -
Making the purchasing act a kind of voting as if we were on Big Brother. The entertaining ones are encouraged and supported, the less appealing are left wayside...
But back to pricing- it seems to firstly directly relate to scale,
Second is materials/ the amount used and the disciplines expected range.
I have found , for eg : that painting students have more confidence in their value than drawing makers.
And that ceramic is supposed to be mass produceable and more widely affordable.... but maybe that's just about expectations and not pricing.
Im still figuring it out and fighting the artist house to stay in- big brother is watching - sign out!