Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Current thoughts on young people selling works

Selling works is how, as students , we gauge each others success. In the long line of life, I'm so often told, that not selling works whilst your only twenty is not a problem. That's easy for you to say when it's not going to decide your future. When your twenty, you know you have time to figure out if what your doing now is the life you want, and there is time to change if soon it feels wrong.

But when you make art you are essentially making what you want to, whatever it is, and expecting to find a kindred interest to buy it.

And so if you start life doing whatever you feel like and it feels wrong you have the option to begin doing what other people delegate to you or become the delegatee.

But unfortunately, if you have found happiness so-far-in-your-forever in making what-you-feel-like and you want to keep going in it, your leaving yourself extremely vulnerable to the opinions of others and their incentive to buy.  Assuming that the person described is not supported by unknown magic funds that can be drawn at will, the young artists are left swinging their art between passion and pastime amongst the pastime job paradox.

Money makes the art world grounded.

Pastime jobs, part-time jobs, take up somuch more than just a part of your time. They suck you dry of the confidence you could have had, that you were-and are-capable of making money for yourself in your art. an attist is a lifestyle. Yiu cant just say im going to be one, you probably already are if you want to cmunicate with displays, it takes a lifetime to be efective. In that sense part time is an unfortunate title

Now back to the initial rant, assuming the subject isn't financially free, the young is doomed to waiting for that initial investment surprise. If that doesn't come soon enough, unfortunately that tall poppy will wilt.

It's essentially a filtering process where the determined and confident will prevail and the insecure will trail off.

But, I encourage you to, if you as a audience like a student work, at any age, purchase it or trade for it ! - so they can have the assurance that they are making desirable goods. It isn't about money, but confirming their skills are valuable!  A note will do ♡♥
If you like it, do something about it!