Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Metamodernism; the new modern postmodern

Well, it needed a name, and some have thus decided 'Metamodernism' is appropriate. Developed from Plato's term 'Metaxy'; between two poles and beyond, the 'Meta' prefix suggests a mix of modernist and postmodernist ideas to propel art into the unknown future.
Sounds cool. What does it mean?

An excerpt from trusty wikipedia states;
Van den Akker and Vermeulen define metamodernism as a continuous oscillation, a constant repositioning between positions and mindsets that are evocative of the modern and of the postmodern but are ultimately suggestive of another sensibility that is neither of them: one that negotiates between a yearning for universal truths on the one hand and an (a)political relativism on the other, between hope and doubt, sincerity and irony, knowingness and naivety, construction and deconstruction. They suggest that the metamodern attitude longs for another future, another metanarrative, whilst acknowledging that future or narrative might not exist, or materialize, or, if it does materialize, is inherently problematic.


Hrmm... so its bouncing between, sometimes looking for truth, or political influence, through various means of style... sounds like a name acknowledging everything at once as being 'not-common' as its common factor. looks about right if your trying to comment on all at once. The tricky thing is, I think the internet has thrown up such an availability of art, that to discern what is good and bad is terribly chore-like  as you sift through the abundance of options. to write about what is a valuable contribution, or about the current art is like shooting fish in a barrel with an arrow from a bridge. its tricky. what comes after postmodernism? As a student, id like to know to be the next clever bunny of the class, but honestly, I dont think it can be found until more distance has passed. If i look at my  contemporaries- the arts that seem to be changing peoples lives and that are recieved with the most intigue are the ones that are so casual they question the values and materials art has associated itself with for hundreds of years. To appreciate a creation and learn about life and its value from it- is in itself valuable; and sometimes it takes something worthless to do it.
ok ramble over-   

Check out this boss;
