Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Happy as a PIG... Gulgong 2013

So it was me! 

The Rachael got down and dirty for expressive photography, 



IT was just an opportunity > Gulgong Clay push provided!
The 'Clay Olympics' was fun, and my team was Great!, we almost won; thanks so some inventive methods of clay gaming...  one of which was to push one of your teammates through a pool of slippery clay fastest. Taking this opportunity to its limit was for me to volunteer to be that teammate propelled through dirt. Hilarious to do and I encourage everyone to try it once just to understand the term 'aquaplaning'. 

But then what happened next triggered my vanity deeply.... To be honest, once your dipped in clay, why not just go swimming?

People treated this attitude like an 'Event; to document and hence there are countless photos of this around. These are some I was given to by my friend;

 Perhaps I will make this an event when I take over the world...

Just think of these ideas, like we were;  ICON...
... OUTBACK.....
.... SMOTHERED.....
... SENSUAL......
... MATERIAL.....

any others ?

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