Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Abstracts too disconnected?

So I have found this intriguing material on the interweb which greatly resembles ink on wet paint, an effective have only begun to explore on an undulating surface of foil...

 The video is here; Crosswaters Unique abstractsDemo

The artist called them abstracts, but is it?
I dont think so; 

My understanding is Abstract Art is a part of life considered in an objective manner, like trying to objectify emotion by using materials. Its a scientific manner of working, disjointed from representation where the materials are used, instead of representing an illusionary subject, they are the subject.

Here are a few definitions which I found interestingly different to my understanding;
Web definitions
  • 1; Abstractionism: an abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation
  • 2; Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. ...

  • 3: Art that does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form in a non-representational way

  • 4; Art that departs significantly from natural appearances. Forms are modified or changed to varying degrees in order to emphasize certain qualities or content. Recognizable references to original appearances may be slight. The term is also used to describe art that is nonrepresentational.

  • 5; Any art in which the depiction of real objects has been subordinated or discarded in favor of patterns, lines and color.

 From these definitions we are lead to believe that abstraction is a form of representing something in a non representational way.  A dislocated interpretation of a specific or general essence (essence in the philosophical Satre sense ). But perhaps that definition is changing to mean material represented as material, this Demo- video is a drop in the ocean of abstracts (Pun!) that are similar to just exhibit the material, myself probably included.
 Now just suppose these 'Demo' videos are more of the artwork than the final image, all of a sudden there is more interest because the excitement of the image coming of itself and seeing the chemical reaction take place is more linked to the music and does elicit a certain amount of joy and intrigue. 

I do think it is important for something to be abstract it should be abstracted from a form of reality; but if it is just materials being exhibited for their own magical element do need a title of their own, as I would like to build on such an idea in my own work. 
"Dasein" could be appropriate...

There is potential for great things with materials like these!  

But I suspect these materials are household items in bottles that don't reveal ingredients for mystifying purposes...
The expander, for example, could be detergent, as fat does the same kind of 'run away' reaction when it meets washing detergent. This I will have to experiment...

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