Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Cone wars

This is CP (ceramic painting) Cone Wars detail. Those bright purples and greens are all Copper Flambe glaze layered with a simple white satin recipe, mixed with the white of the cones it sets off the orange of the iron wash. I am happy with the colours, there was a risk that the iron would be too dark or the brown would kill the pinks but it's totally nice the way it is.

I was aiming for the look of an explosion; I built the cones into the layers of glaze, I knew they wouldn't float in the tray of glaze because the satin glaze doesn't move around, so the cones were fixed in an arrangement that would mean as they melt they curl outwards like a flower.
I should explain what cones are! Cones are a ceramic tool to indicate the temperature of the kiln. They are made of a combination of elements so that their melting point is controlled to a particular measurment, more reliable than pyrometers or just looking at the red heat. So I used cones as a bit of an in joke, but also  because they curl eerily like fingers and if they are arranged right could look like a range of movement. Now that all didn't exactly work but that's ok too.

The tray frame was made when I was thinking about how free I am to use any shape in ceramics. I wanted it to be simple at first glance but also different on all sides. There are just so many different ways to frame in ceramics that his is just a tiny sample of a huge idea (Which I hope to explore next year)

The flat plain of the piece has kept the canvas detail printed on its surface as well as the rice impression within it. I wanted to create the opportunity for the glazes to be in different thicknesses so I could have a speckled effect rather than the one depth pour of colours, this was relatively successful but I will explore it further.

Its a shame I has a hairline crack but that's a good reminder that everything is fragile.

Layers of tests and exploring is what this is... a cumulative effect.
Cone wars? Because it looks like an explosion  ,  duh!
Overall I love the piece! But what to  do with it!? Perhaps a friendly trade ...

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