Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Friday 7 December 2012

Persian spew

This piece is so gorgeous when you get your face right up close, there are do many fascinating aspects to it.
It was a earthenware dry glaze painting layers of slip, dry glaze, then clear.... I didn't know what to paint and so I was doing just lines in reaction the the confines of the frame... so the composition was very boring .... until I made a pool of lead glass magic!!!

Petey the unicorn had eaten a blue sky and  some dirt earlier that morning and when he ate too much, he left this little treat on a tray

No, but that's a funny idea.

I truly look forward to making more paintingsin this method with dry glaze pools and just letting it all go !

I can't wait for next year :-)

This piece became a "Persian" blue colour and after much deliberation I Hadz to name it after the colour it was !
it is Completely not intended to be offensive, I didn't even realize it might not be liked instantly until some visitors were put off by it. Well they hadn't seen Babies in a Blender yet...

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