Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

You can't make a mistake in clay

So I might have to rephrase that -
I cant make a mistake in clay.

I only say it that way because I don't think mistakes exist, rather its part of a becoming. 
if I had a particular ideal and was striving towards it... it'd be easy to find the mistakes (figurative sculptors,  my heart goes out to you). But I like the discovery of a journey and find a finished piece is finished when its full of personality.

It's a friendly way to approach the making process I suppose. ... humanises the maturing of a work, as if it was becoming itself,  rather than what I want.

This approach only really works because I have the distance between the piece, the kiln and me. A distance of time and space... could I call the kiln a nursery ?

Intense nursery!

But then - it would have to be - these materials have spewed from the core of our planet,  as old as the rock itself.

When I think about the monumental scale that is referenced in ceramics - I feel a responsibility to communicate the link we have to our environment.  Actions and reactions - we make it and everything is in a process of some kind. ... in flux

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


my first gif
I am in love - http://www.sodeoka.com/GIF-Net/GIF-Psychedelica 
I don't think psychedelic colour mixes refer to drugs anymore - I think its less personal and now expressive of external chaos ... but maybe thats my own dialogue


Just look at it!!!

below courtesy of http://artfcity.com/