Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,

Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Yen Young Art Awards @gaffagallery

Hey im totally chuffed so it wasnt as bad as it could have been- I wasnt shockingly and awkwardly late. It didnt matter because every art goer is it seems. The party raged on until 9....pm+
Pretty crazy.

I got to see some great pieces in the great Gaffa, and meet some new faces... and I learnt a few lessons about my work -
I want it to be a bit bigger, its haed to get into the juicy details when its less than 30cm...  and not on the extremely intimate scale of things. 
Ropes are a feature of space and gravity that I cant ignore- they are necessary! it needs to be a naked hang, otherwise the whole thing is mysterious.  It doesn't communicate simplicity or melt or density or weight when its all hidden. And it doesn't occupy space the way it needs to in order to be an accessible, tangible,  attention worthy piece of chemistry.

My last lesson is avoid corners if you want to be noticed - as potentiallypeople with prams like to squat in front.  That happened for a long while it seemed,  making it too hard for people to see my piece at all....

Big portraits are potentially dominant compared to my little trumpet. ... but I'm a bit self obsessed so I'm not sure if its just me or if the juxtaposition makes my piece seem alien. Maybe big portraits aren't bad afterall... Once you get to know them ?

 I'm totally chuffed to be a part of it all- and pretty stoked to be chosen 1/20, from 300+ applications!  A great achievement straight from uni :):):) I feel the ball is rolling and it will all get better. 


Thursday, 12 June 2014

ok so I'm late

I'm late to everything,  but this is ridiculous. 
Tonight is the Yen Young Art Awards gallery opening at Gaffa Gallery #Gaffagallery #yenyoungartawards.
It starts at 6 and I'm not even halfway there at 7.... drama!
I am always late, its not the best thing to be known for. I was an hour late to my own 21st. ... fashionably late!?

We'll see,  ill arrive as the shingdig closes up but thats cool. It's better than being there and bored!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Yen Young Art awards - Finally!

I come home and find a Package of Congratulations - a finalist in Yen Young Art Awards - such an awesome feeling! !

opening party is this Thursday @GaffaGallery, 6pm
ill be there with my party on!! come join and celebrate with me :)