Rachael McCallum's Unicorn Spew,
Rachael McCallum's UnicornSpew ~The online journal of Artness as-it-happens.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
A little bit famous
There is something concrete and reassuring. I can now look upon an article about myself and and be reminded that - its true (!) - It all happened. I am so happy for it all.
Would you like to see my momento?
To see it properly, you need to visit the link below
Check me out in the Inner West Courier - Lifestyle/Arts pg 42-3
April 1- 2014
Thankyou for this Miss Khalil Shireen!
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Precious potential
potential is beautiful.
In one stream of logic it is better than the final product... because imagination can let it become more that it could be in real life.
potential is amazing, as a thought.
but to be disappointed purely because you sought to use the poyential and it isnt the wonder you sought isnt a shame, its a moment of opinion int the making process.... soon you can see how your final decisions became reality and not be too hard on yourself.
potential is beautiful, but I think contentment is stupefying. if your going to leave 'it', what ever you are considering, you lose the potential to be replaced by waste.
Odd,isnt it.
- for an example >> if we are talking about a page within a book that you want to draw on (like i did) and if you were to appreciate the space and beauty of the potential of the blank, free, space, and decided to leave the page - where is the line (?) that distinguishes the following pages to be less valuable, to be finally, marked? (assuming you have a finite book and not an infinite supply)
maybe it is because there is a finite supply that things become precious. actually of course. If there is lots of paper everywhere we could leave it on the streets and it would be weird to appreciate the plain (haha)
Being afraid of a beautiful page, afraid to mark, might have more to do with not trusting yourself/myself to make a make a drawing worth the space it takes up.
Or maybe it has to do with respect to paper and process.
Or maybe its potential - dazzling as a concept in itself, the decision is to leave the page and look to the next. ad infinitum.
what a ramble!
Sunday, 13 April 2014
someone just died
and Hercule Poirot says "what is time, in the face of death?"
Agatha Christie references aside, the question got me thinking.
What is it about time that changes it per circumstance?
I wonder if time is like sound, if you listen of if it is loud, you think about it and engage in considering time. of you letyhe idea fall to the background, you forget its there at all and everything is simultaneous and immediately in the past.
I wonder if time is a ripple. like sound waves. From awareness to awareness, I am having a good time, now you are, now we forget how long we have been here.
The clock is the confusing part- if we used the sun, some sunsets would take a long time and others might seem quick...
The clock is like a beat, it just continues.
I wonder then if I should really have reversed this thinking about time and relate it first to music then to time. they are so closely linked it seems obvious now. music is time. Not so much 'time is music'.
"...in the face of Death"
That's a bit that threw me, mortality concerns makes you worry about value for time. About making the most of it, about the finite of our span.
Maybe all we can do is think about it an hope that can inform our choices to make the best.
What an odd morning to have.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
double woah-
ok I would stop with the horoscopes but the final sentence is creepy....
Only just this week have my articles and my network really begun to develop into an art career - its make or break , but probably make !
even my horoscope agreed with my newfound confidence.
Its probably because I'm drunk from cheese and Sex in the City re-runs that I'm looking for meaning in my phone apps.
eh. It's forming a logic.....
Friday, 4 April 2014
An elderly couple come up to the window, takeing a look from a distance, and the guy bursts out "THATS DISGUSTING.... isnt it"
The woman with him nods and they wander off.
meanwhile, my heart is racing as someone is looking at all. but now that its over I am ultimately confused- I wonder what they were thinking that made a room of inanimate objects disgusting. Weird.
I hope they come back and explain, I am not upset - but very curious. Its exciting to have someone react with such a vehement opinion... IT should happen more often.
Now Im tossing up hunting him down or watching the gallery space with the new visitors who - oh no - there leaving in a skulk.
Its not for everyone.
Maybe its because I am totally naked?
Jokes. I have clothes on. It would make more sense if that were the case though... far less perplexing.
MY FIrst
This is something worth looking at, the most recent publication of my ramblings and hypotheses. The Darling Katie from The Corner Cooperative visited my shambles of a home to talk about life, love, art and Sweden.
Just visit their blog, it'll look something like this;

DO it.
I even learn't something...
Announcement! SOLID COLOUR Extended Version
Thursday, 3 April 2014
horoscope woah
I don't usually think about horoscopes.
My religious influences clash already without horoscopes in the mix....
But this one is different.
I just got it today and it uncannily summarizes most of my attitudes and approaches to decisions.
I guess I am an Aquarius.
Or this is my thoughts in writing...
I like that 'random awesomeness' is a language feature.
HA it couldn't be better!
So awesome things have been happening.
I have had a successful show (I feel) and had great interest (aw shucks).
I was lucky enough to have the help of two resourceful engineering lecturers help me set up and install the exhibition, so everyone can rest in peace knowing nothing will fall!
And I loved it how it all makes a weird king of logic now that there is a room full of the work.
The opening was a curious experience, and I was chuffed to say the least - the popcorn was a stroke of brilliance I will most definitely do again - finishing up with dancing until we were kicked out of the clubs.
It was a happy affair all round! And I am very grateful for all the help I was given... every last drop of it.
Which means the show is open for another week !
I have been offered, due to the interest generated, another week to have this exhibition. So excellent >I can't say no!